Gadhwa (गढ़वा किला, शंकरगढ़ Allahabad district). Satellite view (Wikimapia).

File:KITLV 88152 - Unknown - Relief at Garhwa in British India - 1897.tif

Gadhwa (Allahabad district). Associated relief sculptures of the Gupta period (Wikicommons).
Object ID OB00010
Title Gadhwa Pillar Fragment 1
Inscription(s) IN00010 IN00011 IN00021 IN00030
Child Object
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Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Metadata improved by Dániel Balogh
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Material Stone / unspecified
Object Type Pillar
Width 24
Height 77
Depth 10
Details The stone was re-cut sometime after being engraved. The front has traces of 11 lines of writing, with about 13 characters each. These are illegible, but appear to be in the same alphabet as the preserved inscriptions and seem distinct from those. The back face, where the original pillar or block seems to have been cut in half, is rough. The ends of all lines on the proper left side, and the beginnings of all lines on the proper right side, are lost due to this cutting. The top two or three lines are also broken away, while the bottom is unscathed. The upper part of the right side bears two inscriptions of Candragupta II's time (IN00010, 7 extant lines, the ends lost, and IN00011, 8 extant lines, the ends lost). These two are not separated from one another except by punctuation. The lower part of the right side bears an inscription of Kumāragupta's time (IN00030, 9 extant lines, the ends lost), separated from the earlier inscription only by a horizontal line. The left side also has an inscription of Kumāragupta's time (IN00021, 9 extant lines, the beginnings lost), only found in 1880 by Cunningham after clearing away a lime coat under which it was hidden.
Place Gadhwa
Other ancient history
Other modern history
Date 1983
Place Indian Museum, Kolkata
Authority Agrawala, P. K. (1983). Imperial Gupta Epigraphs (गुप्ताधिराजलेखमण्डल). Ancient Indian Epigraphical Sources (प्रत्नाभिलेखसंहिता) X.1. Varanasi, Books Asia.
Details Found in 1871-72 by Bābū Śiva Prasād, built into the wall of a residential house in Gaḍhwā Fort (13 km west by south of Bārā and 2.5 km south of the village of Bhaṭgaḍh in Karchanā Tehsil of Allahābād District).
Notes Possibly from the same pillar as OB00053.