About Asia Inscriptions Online (AIO)


Asia Inscriptions Online (AIO) is a digital resource for languages with substantial epigraphic traditions: Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Telegu, Kannada, Persian, Arabic, Tibetan, Pyu, Burmese, Mon, Khmer and related languages. AIO embraces south, central, and south-east Asia with a chronological horizon from the early centuries BCE to the nineteenth century.


AIO allows researchers to harvest epigraphic data across varied themes, regions and languages. AIO aims to advance interdisciplinary research in the languages, literatures, histories, geographies and cultural ecologies of Asia.


AIO is an open-access reference tool built by contributors with special expertise in language and epigraphy. Policies in the areas of IP and data preservation follow the ERC and ZENODO.


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AIO is a non-profit undertaking. Content is developed by AIO contributors working in collaboration. The system is overseen by an Editorial Board: Dr Edward Weech (Librarian of the Royal Asiatic Society and chair of the advisory board),  Professor Daniela De Simone, Professor Daud Ali, Dr Dániel Balogh, Dr Francesco Bianchini, Dr Saarthak Singh, Dr Anne Casile and Dr M. Willis. The Board is responsible for policy and for the appointment and supervision of data managers and for peer-review of content.

Hosting Institution : The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Partner Organisations