Bodhgayā (बोधगया Bihār). Chinese inscription of Huaiwen dated in the second year of 明道 Míngdào (CE 1033) of the Song emperor 真宗 Zhēnzōng. Edition here that of Chavannes (1896), see Concordance for bibliographic data. Working edition (02/2021).

[top portion]:

1. 大宋皇帝
2. 皇太后為
3. 太宗皇帝
4. 建塔壹座

[main text: 1.] 大宋

[2.] 聖文睿武仁明孝德皇帝.

[3.] 應元宗德仁壽慈聖皇太后.謹遣僧懷問.詣摩伽陀

[4.] 國奉為資薦

[5.] 太宗至仁應道神功聖德文武睿烈大明廣孝皇帝.

[6.] 於金剛座側.建塔一座.

[7.] 太宗皇帝伏願.高步 天宮.親承

[8.] 佛記書證. 真仙之位常居.

[9.] 釋梵之尊誕錫. 威靈永隆

[10.] 基業時明道二年.歲次癸酉.正月十九日記. 丙 日予

Bibliographic information

Alexander Cunningham, Mahâbodhi (London: W. H. Allen, 1892): 72, no. 4. At Cunningham (1892) 38, he reports that “Z2 [plate XVIII, to the east of the temple] shows the spot where the two large Chinese inscriptions were found, one of them broken. They were probably brought from the Stupas, marked Z3 in the plan, as this spot corresponds exactly with the distance of 30 paces, or 75 feet, to the north of the Bodhidruma, where the pilgrim Yun-shu states that he erected a stone Stupa in the honour of the ten thousand Buddhas. See No. 1 Chinese inscription.”

Inscription Concordance

Cunningham (1892) p. 72, no. 4

Chavannes (1896) no. V

Gonkatsang and Willis (2013) appendix

栢本泰生 (2019) no. 1

Willis & Biondo (2021) no. 4