The inscription is engraved on a broken guardstone found on the site of an ancient and overgrown vihara in Eppāvaḷa (Eppawala) in North-Central Province; the discovery was reported in the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon for the year 1890 and the guardstone was subsequently transferred to the premises of the Archaeological Commissioner at Anuradhapura. The lower part of the stone is missing but the inscription is complete except for the first two lines, which are too weathered to be read. Although the date of the inscription is no longer legible, the text may be attributed on palaeographic grounds to the latter half of the tenth century A.D. It is concerned with the registration of a gift to the image house and the Bō-tree at the Pamagalu Monastery by a person named Ukuṇuhusu Kottā. This was made by investing eight kaḷan̆das of gold in land and by depositing two kaḷan̆das so that the interest might be paid in paddy. Two more kaḷan̆das of gold were invested for the purpose of supplying curds and honey and for the maintenance of the canopy of the altar.

[line 1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[line 2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . havu-
[line 3] -ruduyehi Nikimniyä pura ti-
[line 4] -yaväkä Ukuṇuhusu Kottāmi Ve-
[line 5] -latme Mihindu aṭ kaḷandakaṭ maṭ vi
[line 6] -kiṇä tibū Galamburu käräyehi e-
[line 7] -k payak isā mā atin vi poliya-
[line 8] -ṭ dun de kaḷandak ätuḷuvä dasa ka-
[line 9] -ḷandak ran Pa(ma)gulu arämä piḷima-ge-
[line 10] -hi [ma]haboyä davaspatā gähum no-
[line 11] -van de patak sāle bat pudā me
[line 12] bat vas-aturu no illā vasag vi ma-
[line 13] . . veḷin povanu koṭ isā me bataṭ
[line 14] dihiyaṭ mipak isā pud-asene viya-
[line 15] -naṭ divelaṭ koṭ vi-poliyaṭ dun ran
[line 16] de kaḷandak isā meknaṭ mal pud-asane ba-
[line 17] -da . . . . . . koṭ me kusal bambadesen
[line 18] saṅgun vǟpārayan pavatvanu koṭ i-
[line 19] -sā me no ilvā väradavuva tiratnaye
[line 20] käḷal kaḷāha [II*] Maha-Mete budurädayehi
[line 21] nūpadanāhayi [II*]
[line 1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[line 2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . havu-
[line 3] -ruduyehi Nikimniyä pura ti-
[line 4] -yaväkä Ukuṇuhusu Kottāmi Ve-
[line 5] -latme Mihindu aṭ kaḷandakaṭ maṭ vi
[line 6] -kiṇä tibū Galamburu käräyehi e-
[line 7] -k payak isā mā atin vi poliya-
[line 8] -ṭ dun de kaḷandak ätuḷuvä dasa ka-
[line 9] -ḷandak ran Pa(ma)gulu arämä piḷima-ge-
[line 10] -hi [ma]haboyä davaspatā gähum no-
[line 11] -van de patak sāle bat pudā me
[line 12] bat vas-aturu no illā vasag vi ma-
[line 13] . . veḷin povanu koṭ isā me bataṭ
[line 14] dihiyaṭ mipak isā pud-asene viya-
[line 15] -naṭ divelaṭ koṭ vi-poliyaṭ dun ran
[line 16] de kaḷandak isā meknaṭ mal pud-asane ba-
[line 17] -da . . . . . . koṭ me kusal bambadesen
[line 18] saṅgun vǟpārayan pavatvanu koṭ i-
[line 19] -sā me no ilvā väradavuva tiratnaye
[line 20] käḷal kaḷāha [II*] Maha-Mete budurädayehi
[line 21] nūpadanāhayi [II*]