Inscription carved on a stone stele standing in Taḥ Galli lane in the Yeṅgu Bahāl area, to the east of Pātan Durbār. The date is difficult to read. Regmi interprets it as saṃvat 103.

Bibliographic information

Lévi, Sylvan. Le Népal, étude Historique d’un royaume Hindou. 1908. Paris: Ernest Leroux Éditeur; vol. 3; pp. 138-145;

Gnoli, Raniero. Nepalese Inscriptions in Gupta Characters. 1956. Roma: Is. M. E. O.; pp. 102-103;

Vajrācārya, Dhanavajra. Licchavikālakā abhilekha. 1973. Kathmandu: Nepāla ra Eśiyālī Adhyayana Saṃsthāna, Tribhuvana Viśvavidyālaya; pp. 496-498;

Regmi, Dilli Raman. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. 1983. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications; vol.1, pp. 126-128; vol. 2, pp. 78-80.

Inscription Concordance

Lévi Inscription 20

Gnoli Inscription 74

Vajrācārya Inscription 133

Regmi Inscription 127