Inscription ID IN00131
Title Ghagrahati Charter of the Time of Samacaradeva, Year 14
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Parent Object OB00118
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Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 575
Max 624
Comment Intrinsic Date: 14 kārttika 1 (era: regnal, Samācāradeva). Basis of dating: palaeography, conjecture. See Pargiter 1911: 498-501 for a discussion of the date.
Letter size 0.4
Description late version of north-eastern Gupta characters
Width 19
Height 11.5
Description Inscribed on both sides, with 12 lines on the recto and 11 on the verso. Very well preserved, especially the verso. Campus size and character height estimated.
Decoration None.
References First reported and edited in Banerji 1910 (photograph in Plates 29 and 30); also edited in Bloch 1911 (rubbing in Plate 82). Bloch's work precedes Banerji's in spite of the later publication date. Both editors deem the plate spurious. Re-edited in Pargiter 1911, arguing in the light of the three other Faridpur plates (IN00128, IN00129 and IN00130) that it is genuine. Banerji 1911 argues for forgery in spite of the Faridpur plates. Pargiter 1912 re-asserts his point. Banerji 1914 continues to argue for forgery. Edited yet again and discussed in Bhattasali 1925-26 (arguing in favour of genuineness, further supported by the discovery of the Damodarpur plates).
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