Fleet, John Faithfull. (1888). Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum. Vol. III. Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings and their Successors. Calcutta: Printed by the Superintendent of Government Printing. Pp 110-112.

Hail! In (the boundary of) the kingdom of the Mahârâja Hastin, who meditates on the feet of (the god) Mahâdêva; at (the village of) Âmblôda; (and) in (the boundary of) the bhôga of the Mahârâja Śivadâsa, the grandson of Indana, and the son of the Grâmika Vâsu;-in the Mahâ-Mâgha smvastara; in the month Kârttika; the day 10 (and) 9.

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