Inscription ID IN00055
Title Bhitari Seal Legend of Kumaragupta II
Alternative titles Bhitari Copper-Silver Seal of Kumāragupta III
Parent Object OB00050
Related Inscriptions IN00053 IN00054
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch Kumāragupta II(?)
Min 470
Max 515
Comment Basis of dating: approximate reign of Kumāragupta II (III?).
Letter size 0.3
Description northern class
Width 10
Height 5
Description 8 lines of text, fully preserved. Campus size estimated from photo.
Decoration None.
References First announced in the newspaper Pioneer, 13 May 1889. Remarks by Vincent Smith in 28 May 1889 issue. Detailed account in Smith 1889. Edited in Hoernle 1889. Re-edited in Fleet 1890. Text also published in Sastri 1942: 66-67. Discussed in Willis 2005. See also, Agrawal 1940: 60-61, ARIE 1957-58: 14, no. 15, App. A, ARIE 1960-61: no. 55, App. A (Ascribed to Kumāragupta II) and Pandey 1962: 102-103.
Add to bibliography Hirananda Sastri, Cat. Of Arch. Exhibits in the U. P. Provincial Museum, Lucknow, 1915, pp. 3-4; Jagan Nath in Journal of the Uttar Pradesh Historical Society, vol. XIII, pt. II (1940), pp. 100-101; B. Upadhyaya, SAII, pt. II, p. 74.
Misc notes

IN00053 and IN00054 have identical text.