Inscription ID IN00053
Title Nalanda Seal Legend 1 of Kumaragupta II
Alternative titles Nalanda Seal of Kumāragupta III
Parent Object OB00048
Related Inscriptions IN00054 IN00055
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch Kumāragupta II(?)
Min 470
Max 515
Comment Basis of dating: approximate reign of Kumāragupta II (III?).
Letter size
Description northern class; mixed features of southern and eastern Gupta style
Width 7
Height 5
Description 8 lines of text, fully preserved. Campus size estimated from photo.
Decoration None.
References Briefly noticed in Sastri 1931-32: 77 (postscript). A detail corrected by N. P. Chakravarti in ARASI 1934-35: 63. Described and edited in Sastri 1942: 65-67. Discussed in Agrawal 1940: 60-61.
Add to bibliography Jagan Nath in Journal of the Uttar Pradesh Historical Society, vol. XIII (1940), pt. II, pp. 100-101; Nisar Ahmad in Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, 33/2, pp. 47-49. Also N. P. Chakravarti in EI 21, p. 11 [?].
Misc notes

IN00054 and IN00055 have identical text. Bhandarkar 1981: 355-356 describes how the Nalanda seals were originally raw clay (one is pierced, with traces of string running through it), and were probably baked accidentally in a monastery fire.