Eran Pillar Inscription of Goparāja mentioning Bhānugupta.

Eran (Madhya Pradesh). Hero-stone of Goparāja, detail of inscription.

Eran Pillar Inscription of Goparāja mentioning Bhānugupta
Bhandarkar, D. R., Devadatta Ramakrishna, Bahadur Chand Chhabra, and Govind Swamirao Gai, Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings (New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India, 1981): 353-354.
Om! When a century of years, increased by ninety-one, (had elapsed) on the seventh lunar day of the dark fortnight of (the month) Śrāvaṇa— (or in figures) the year 100 (and) 90 (and) 1 (the month) Śrāvaṇa the dark fortnight—the (lunar) day 7;
Verse 1) (There was) a ruler, renowned as …. rāja sprung from the Śulakkha lineage; and his son (was) valorous by the name (of) Mādhava.
Verse 2) His son was the illustrious Goparāja, renowned for manliness—the daughter’s son of the Śarabha king—who became the ornament of (his) family.
Verses 3-4) (There is) the glorious Bhānugypta, a distinguished hero on earth, a mighty ruler, brave being equal to Pārtha—and along with him Goparāja, following (him) without fear, having overtaken the Maittras and having fought a very big and famous battle, went to heaven, becoming equal to Indra, the best of the gods—and (his) devoted, attached, beloved, and beauteous wife, clinging (to him), entered into the mass of fire (funeral pyre).
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