Eran Pillar Inscription of Goparāja mentioning Bhānugupta.

Eran (Madhya Pradesh). Hero-stone of Goparāja, detail of inscription.

Inscription ID IN00050
Title Eran Pillar Inscription of Goparaja
Alternative titles Eran Stone Pillar Inscription of Bhanugupta, year 191
Parent Object OB00045
Related Inscriptions
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch Bhānugupta
Commissioner Goparāja
Topic Memorial to the death of a warrior in battle
Min 509
Max 511
Comment Intrinsic Date: 191 śrāvaṇa kṛṣṇa 7 (era: Gupta). Basis of dating: intrinsic.
Letter size 1-1.6
Description northern class
Width 50
Height 28
Description The inscription is at the top of the lower octagonal section of the extant part of the pillar, occupying three of its faces. The bottom line is about 15 cm above the ground (Bhandarkar 1981: 352; it is not clear what ground this may be, I suppose it means either the very bottom of the extant fragment, or implies that it has been fitted in a new base which allows the inscription to show). The inscription is weathered and damaged by the whetting of tools on the edges, but most of it is quite legible on the original stone.
Decoration None.
References First reported in ASIR 10: 89-90. Edited in Fleet 1888. Summarised in Trivedi 2001: 21-22 (No. 7). Further details about OB00045 and its history in Mirashi 1955: 605-608. See also ARIE 1951-52: 21, no. 127, App. B and Pandey 1962: 108-109.
Add to bibliography Hiralal, Inscrs. in C.P. & Berar, p. 49, No. 83; B. Upadhyava, SAII. pt. II, p. 80.
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