File:Junagadh rock inscription of Skandagupta.png

Junagarh, rock inscription of Skandagupta after Epigraphia Indica 3 (Wikicommons).


Inscription ID IN00032
Title Junagadh Rock Inscription 1 of the Time of Skandagupta
Alternative titles
Parent Object OB00029
Related Inscriptions IN00033
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch Skandagupta
Min 456
Max 458
Comment Intrinsic Date: 137 (era: Gupta). Basis of dating: intrinsic.
Letter size 1.4-2.8
Description southern class; termed Saurāṣṭra alphabet of the 5th century by Bhandarkar (Fleet?)
Width 300
Height 220
Description These dimensions are for the entire inscription of two parts, here treated as two inscriptions (IN00032 and IN00033).
Decoration None.
References First reported in Prinsep 1838b. Facsimile published in Jacob 1844 (probably an eye copy, but my digital version lacks the plate; Jacob describes it as "most carefully compared, the joint labour of Mr. Westergard, a young Brahman protegé of mine, and myself"). Edited in Bhau Daji 1863b, with a cloth tracing made in 1861 by Bhagwanlal Indraji. Burgess 1875: 17-18 describes a failed attempt to take an estampage. Burgess 1876 also prints Indraji's cloth tracing (plate XV), along with Bhau Daji's transliteration (pp. 134-136) and translation (revised by Eggeling, pp. 136-138), also summarising (p. 30) a local legend that mentions Cakrapālita, Parṇadatta and Skandagupta. Critically edited in Fleet 1888. Correction proposed in Agrawal 1941: 59. See also, Bühler 1891: 220-223, Sharma 1948-49 and Pandey 1962: 92-99.
Add to bibliography B. Upadhyaya, SAII. pt. II, pp. 63-68; Jagan Nath, Journal of the Uttar Pradesh Historical Society, Vol. XIII, Pt. II (1940), p. 98.
Misc notes