File:Junagadh rock inscription of Skandagupta.png

Junagarh, rock inscription of Skandagupta after Epigraphia Indica 3 (Wikicommons).


Bibliographic information

First reported in Prinsep 1838b. Facsimile published in Jacob 1844 (probably an eye copy, but my digital version lacks the plate; Jacob describes it as “most carefully compared, the joint labour of Mr. Westergard, a young Brahman protegé of mine, and myself”). Edited in Bhau Daji 1863b, with a cloth tracing made in 1861 by Bhagwanlal Indraji. Burgess 1875: 17-18 describes a failed attempt to take an estampage. Burgess 1876 also prints Indraji’s cloth tracing (plate XV), along with Bhau Daji’s transliteration (pp. 134-136) and translation (revised by Eggeling, pp. 136-138), also summarising (p. 30) a local legend that mentions Cakrapālita, Parṇadatta and Skandagupta. Critically edited in Fleet 1888. Correction proposed in Agrawal 1940: 59. See also, Bühler 1891: 220-223, Sharma 1948-49 and Pandey 1962: 92-99.

Inscription Concordance

Prinsep (1838b) 334-356

Jacob (1844) 148

Bhau Daji (1863b) 113-131

Burgess (1875) 17-18

Burgess (1876) 30, 134-138

Fleet (1888) 56-65, no. 14

Bühler (1891) 220-223

Bhandarkar (1929) 173, no. 1276

Agrawal (1940) 59

Sharma (1948-49) 303-305

Pandey (1962) 92-99

Sircar (1965) (vol. 1) 307-316, bk. III, no. 25

Bhandarkar (1981) 296-305, no. 28

Agrawala (1983) no. 32

Goyal (1993) 223-247