Object ID OB03037
Title Puliyaṉ-kuḷam Slab (C/8) of Udā Mahayā
Inscription(s) IN03057
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Author Don Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe
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Material Stone / unspecified
Object Type Stone slab
Width 60.96
Height 182.88
Details Dimensions approximate. A stone slab, pointed at the lower end and rough on three of its sides. On one side, there is a smoothed surface, bordered with moulding in relief and inscribed with 44 lines in the Sinhalese alphabet of the last quarter of the 10th century or the first quarter of the 11th century A.D. The shape of the slab indicates that it must have originally stood upright, fixed in the ground two feet deep and built into the wall of the piḷima-gē (image house), leaving the inscribed side alone expose to view.
Other ancient history
Date 1898
Place Puliyaṉ-kuḷam
Other modern history
Place Archaeological Commissioner's Office, Anuradhapura
Authority Wickremasinghe, Don Martino de Zilva. (1904-12). ‘No. 15. Puliyaṉ-kuḷam Slab-Inscription (C/8) of Udā Mahayā,’ Epigraphia Zeylanica 1, pp. 182-190.
Details Discovered in 1898 at Puliyaṉ-kuḷam, a small village situated two and a half miles north-east of Anurādhapura, and seen by Wickremasinghe in the Archaeological Commissioner’s Office at Anurādhapura. A range of material was found at Puliyaṉ-kuḷam, including several inscribed slabs from the piḷima-gē (image house) and the stone revetment of the dāgaba. The present slab is marked ‘C/8’ and two others found at the same site are marked ‘C/6’ and ‘C/7’. The ruins at Puliyaṉ-kuḷam consist of a dāgaba and three Vihāras within a raised site banked up by a moulded revetment of large stone slabs and surrounded by around forty buildings and structures, mostly monks’ residences but also including a pokuṇa (pond) and a piḷima-gē (image house) for a colossal Buddha.