Object ID OB00124
Title Badva Yupa of Balasimha
Inscription(s) IN00137
Child Object
Parent Object
Related Objects OB00122 OB00123
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Metadata improved by Dániel Balogh
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Material Stone / unspecified
Object Type yūpa
Height 404-478
Details From a group of three extant pillars (OB00122, OB00123 and OB00124). The pillars were originally erected as two pairs; members of each pair are about 7.5 metres from one another, while the distance between the pairs is about 23 metres. It is not clear whether Altekar discovered the foundation of the lost fourth pillar, or if he merely thinks there were originally two pairs. Altekar does not specify which pillar bears which inscription. Two of the three largely intact pillars are octagonal in cross-section for the above-ground part and square for the underground base; the third is octagonal throughout. Two are 404 cm high in total, while a third is 478 cm high; the underground base is about 120 cm of the total length for each. Their surface is roughly finished. Each pillar has a square caṣāla (a protruding collar) about 20 cm below the top. Above the caṣāla the top of each bends "inwards to their proper right" (Altekar 1935-36: 43) where inwards probably means toward the paired column.
Other ancient history
Date 1936
Place Baḍvā
Other modern history
Authority Altekar, Anant Sadashiv. (1935-36). Three Maukhari Inscriptions on Yupas: Krita Year 295, Epigraphia Indica, 23, pp. 42-52.
Details Discovered by Altekar in 1936 in Baḍvā (25.154927, 76.296911), about 8 km to the southeast (Altekar, apparently in error: southwest) of Antah in the Kotah District of modern Rajasthan. The pillars were about 800 metres east of the village at a place known as thamb-toraṇ, probably for the archlike arrangement of the yūpas. Two pillars were lying flat on the ground, a third was inclined at an angle of 80°, and the remnants of a fourth (OB00125) were also found. Altekar 1935-36: 42n1 says that in or around 1936 the Kotah government was planning to move the pillars to Kotah.
Notes Found with OB00122 and OB00123, of identical purpose and related inscription.