Jagjivanpur copper plate inscription of Mahendrapāla
Jagjivanpur copper plate inscription of Mahendrapala.
Ujjain stone inscription of Naravarman
Ujjain उज्जैन (Madhya Pradesh).
Two fragmentary Sanskrit inscriptions on black stone from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, unearthed in dismantling a house in the Town Improvement operations and preserved at the Madhava college. Photographed by the Gwalior State archaeology department in 1924-25, glass negative no. 227 of samvat 1981.
Working transcription by Saarthak Singh (2020)
Inscription I
1. ]vagāhya sarayūṃ jitvāśramaṃ sainikaiḥ sākētopavanāvanī-ṣukakali[
2. ]haklamaṃ nītē kāṃtaiḥ sahamalayaśailē-yuvatibhiḥ| yadātaṃkāllaṃkāvi[
3. ]vidānūnaṃ yēna himādrim-ūrdhviśi_lī vakrēlakāvagrahaḥ||18||[
4. ]19||tasmin viślaṣa-śruṣyattridi_purapunaḥ prītisatrōtsavā[
5. ]jaśiyēḥ saṃyati-prōtkhāyōtkiratōḍu-vibhrama-bhṛtō-mu[
6. ]da-gatayaḥ||22||vaivagya-vijayaśriyō-raṇa_[
7. ]pacayamāṇaḥ||nirvāṇa-nārāyaṇa-°i_[
8. ]lakēnāgā_iśaṃkōrddiśaṃ||24||[
9. ]riṇamaśṛaṇiṃtāhya-va_pī[
10. ]pālabhōlatthalī[
11. ]ṇamālili||[
12. ]…[
Inscription II
1. ]saṃvaya-śubhaṃ-yurajāyatōrvvī|ratna-prakara-jala-vayasya-saṃpat-prakaṣaghā-bhā_[
2. ]tā||269||tasminn-āvarjjita-surajana-prauḍhavarggē sudharmmā madhyāsīnē harati maghavat-svargga-sāmrājya-bhi[
3. ]ḥ saṃpadō na vyāpāra-gātiḥ kiyaty-apiba yasyā-liṃgituṃ śamyatē| maryādā pariṣa[…]°uyasyi[
4. ]makaṃ vivēkādurasi-śirasi-kaṃṭhē-nētrayōrādadhāti||273||yatpādāmbuja-nirmmita-praṇatayō gan_vvaṃ[
OB01012 Arang copper plates of Jayarāja

Arang copper charter of Jayarāja, seal and first plate
INIG1350a Surwāyā Inscription of VS 1350a
INIG1350a kārttika badi 7 budhavāra Surwāyā (Shivpuri). 23 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the excavation of a well (vāpī) and the laying out of a garden (vāṭikā) by rāṇaka Cāciga, dharmaputra of the Yajvapāla king Gopāla and servant of Gaṇapati. Cāciga was of the Lubdhaka family (i.e. Lodhā). Composed by Māthura kāyastha Jayasiṁha, son of Lohaṭa and written by Mahārāja. Now in the collection of the Archaeological Museum, Gwalior.
INIG1349 Inscription of VS 1349
INIG1349 [Provenance not recorded, possibly from Morena district]. On a stone slab. 17 lines, nāgarī, corrupt Sanskrit. Mentions the construction of a tank by mahatā Jaitasiṁha of Lodhā family when Cāhamāna Hamīradeva was ruling Śakambara. Now in the collection of the Archaeological Museum, Gwalior.
INIG1348c Kolāras Inscription of VS 1348c
INIG1348c āṣāḍha badi 11, Kolāras (Shivpuri). On a satī stone. 3 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions a satī, apparently of the queen of Govindarāja.
INIG1348b Narwar Inscription of VS 1348b
INIG1348b vaiśākha śudi 15 śanau Narwar (Shivpuri). On a Jaina image in a temple at the western foot of the fort. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the dedication of the image.
INIG1348a Surwāyā Inscription of VS 1348a
INIG1348a caitra sudi 8 gurudine puṣyanakṣatre Surwāyā (Shivpuri). Recovered from a tank. 33 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the construction of a tank (vāpikā) by ṭhakkur Vāmana in the time of Gaṇapati, son of Gopāla. Praises the city of Mathurā from whence the kāyasthas originated. Composed by Somamiśra, son of Somadhara, written by Mahārāja, son of Somarāja, and incised by Devasiṁha, son of Mādhava.
INIG134[?] Barokhar Inscription of VS 134[?]
INIG134[?] caitra śudi 8 guruvāra Barokhar (Morena). On a memorial stone. 17 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions śrīmad Gopāla. Not completely legible.
INIG1345a Pachrāi Inscription of VS 1345b
INIG1345b vaiśākha badi 2 śanivāra Pachrāi (Shivpuri). On a slab in the quadrangle of a temple complex. 18 lines, nāgarī, corrupt Sanskrit. Refers to the administration of mahāpradhāna rā˚ Haṁsarāja in the time of Gopāladeva of Narwar. Records the death of Vālha, the son of Kaccharāṇeju and probably the performance of satī by Sulathā the daughter of paḍihāra Salabhaṇe and [Hā]ju the daughter of rā˚ Anaisiha. Engraved by sūtradhāra Mitanka.