Spurious inscription of Kumāragupta dated 100 10 2

Spurious inscription of Kumāragupta dated 100 10 2

Success ! In the victorious ruling year 112 of the great lord, the king of kings, the illustrious Kumāragupta in the year 5 of continuous reckoning, in the 2nd month of the rainy season in the third day, the governess of the monastery, Bhatiārī, who was the wife of Dona, the son of Nāgabuddha, the son of Nāgaśrī, and the daughter of Dhamaghoṣa, and the mother of Candranāga, caused to be made the image of the great commanders of the yakṣa-s, Maṇibhadra, for the residents of the monastery. What merit there is in this gift, let that be for all sentient beings.

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