IN00618 Nausari Plates of Yuvaraja Sryasraya Siladitya

Mirashi, Vasudev Vishnu. Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era. V.1. [Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum V.4.] Ootacamund: Govt. Epigraphist for India, 1955, pp. 126-127.


Success! Hail!

(Verse 1) Victorious is Viṣṇu’s manifested boar form, which agitated the ocean, and which had the world resting on the tip of its projecting right tusk.

(Line 2) Iu the family of the illustrious Chalikyas,— who are of the Mānavya gotra which is being praised by the whole world; who are the sons (i.e. descendants) of Hāritī; who were brought up by the Seven Mothers, who are the mothers of the seven worlds; who have obtained continuous prosperity through the protection of Kārttikeya; who have all kings submitting to them the moment they see the boar-emblem which was obtained by the grace of the divine (god) Nārāyaṇa,– there was the illustrious Pulakeśivallabha (II) who possessed unfailing prowess; who, by the might of his arms, vanquished all his foes; and who, in the assembly of kings, could be compared to Rāma and Yudhiṣṭhira.

(L. 7) His son (is) Dharāśraya, the illustrious Jayasiṃha, whose prosperity has been augmented by his elder brother, the Pṛthivīvallabha, Mahārājādhirāja and Bhaṭṭāraka, the illustrious Vikramāditya Satyāśraya, the devout worshipper of Maheśvara, who meditates on the feet of his mother and father who were devout worshippers of Maheśvara and (on those of) the holy Nāgavardhana, and who has overcome the family of the Pallavas by his unchecked prowess.

(L. 10) His son, Śryāśraya, the illustrious Śīlāditya, the crown-prince, who has brightened the regions between all quarters by the banners of his glory, white like the spreading multitude of rays of the spotless full moon; who is liberal like Kubera, endowed with beauty, grace and loveliness like the god of love, proficient in all arts and valorous like the Emperor of the Vidyādharas;—(he) residing at Navasārikā,

has granted, with a libation of water for the increase of the religious merit and fame of (his) mother and father and of himself, the village Āsaṭṭi in the Kaṇhavala āhāra which is situated in the Bāhirikā viṣaya, together with udrāṅga and uparikara, to Bhogikkasvāmin, (the son) of Kikkasvāmin, the younger brother of Mātṛsthavira (who is) the son of Sāmantasvāmin, (who is himself) the son of Gomisvāmin of the Kāśyapa gotra, who is a student of the Adhvaryu (Veda) and a resident of Navasārikā.

(L. 18) (This) religious gift should be consented to by all future kings, bearing in mind that wealth is as unsteady as the flame of a lamp struck by wind.

(Here follows a benedictive verse)

(L. 20) This (charter) has been written by the Sāndhivigrahika, the illustrious Dhanañjaya, on the thirteenth (tithi) of the bright (fortnight) of Māgha in the year four hundred increased by twenty-one, (in figures) 400 (and) 20 (and) 1. Success !

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