INIG1282a āṣāḍha śudi 9 śukravāra Gwalior fort (Gwalior). In the bed of Gaṅgolā tāl. 10 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Records the desilting of the tanks Gogataḍāga and Rājasaras on Gopādri by Talhaṇadevikā, queen of Vigraharāja and mother of the ruler. Further mentions Aruṁdhatī, daughter of Mithilā and wife of king Malayakṣitīśa. The composer was Ānakichūka, son of Yāśodeva and the engraver was ṭha˚ (i.e. ṭhakkur) Vāghadeva. At the end mentions Jivādevī as the queen of the ruler and as the mother of the prince Harivarman and Jayavarman.
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