INIG1161 māgha śudi 6 Gwalior fort (Gwalior). From a Śiva temple. 9 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Fragmentary inscription mentioning the Kacchapaghāta rulers Bhuvanapāla, Devapāla, his son Padmapāla and Mahīpāla. Records that Manoratha, a Māthura kāyastha, was married to Bhāvā (?) and that he was a servant of Bhuvanapāla. Their son was Mānicandra and he built a temple of Śiva (Smarārāti) and some other gods. Further recounts that Mānicandra was married to Rāsagati and that their sons were Madhusūdana and Āśācandra. The later (i.e. Āśācandra) built the present temple of Hara. Composed by the Jaina sage Yaśodeva. Now in the State Museum, Lucknow.
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