This inscription is engraved on one side of a stone slab, which stands at the foot of the flight of steps leading to the main shrine of the dēvāle at Alutnuvara. A related inscription is engraved on the other side of the slab (IN03205). The slab is situated to the right of the steps as one ascends. It is badly weatherworn and only the lower part of each face remains legible. Another inscribed slab stands on the other side of the steps but its inscription has been totally obliterated, apart from a few lines at the end (IN03207). The slabs were discovered in the late nineteenth century and their inscriptions were first published by H. C. P. Bell in 1892 (Report on the Kegalla District of the Province of Sabaragamuwa, pp. 80–81).


The present inscription contains a declaration by the ruler of Highlands that neither he nor any other member of the royal family will cause loss of property, limbs or life, to the people of the Satara Kōraḷē. No regnal year or date is found in the preserved portion of the record but it does state that it was set up Vikramabāhu Ǟpā at the command of King Senāsammata Vikramabāhu. Bell took this king to be Vikramabāhu III, who reigned from Gampaḷa in the middle of the fourteenth century, but this supposition was proved to be incorrect when H. W. Codrington proved that Senāsammata Vikramabāhu was in fact an independent ruler of the Hill Country who flourished in the latter half of the fifteenth century, his reign beginning in 1474 or 1475 at the latest. The identity of the individual called Vikramabāhu Ǟpā, who set up the edict on Senāsammata Vikramabāhu’s behalf, is not clear. In the medieval period, the title ǟpā was usually reserved for the heir-apparent. It would therefore appear that Senāsammata Vikramabāhu had an heir who was also called Vikramabāhu, although this would conflict with Codrington’s survey of the documentary evidence, which seems to show that the king’s successor was in fact named Jayavīra. The present inscription appears to be a response to the text engraved on the other side of the slab (IN03205), which contains a declaration of allegiance by the inhabitants of Satara Kōraḷē to the kingdom of the Highlands (Kanda-uḍakaṭṭuva).

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
[line + 1] Yāpā Bha[n]ḍāra Doḍamvela Parāk-
[line + 2] -kramayā Varāva Bhanḍāra Gaṁpaḷa Bhanḍā-
[line + 3] -ra ätuḷu-vū äma denamha Satara Ko-
[line + 4] -raḷe sēnāva meme paṇate pavatumha-
[line + 5] -yi (ladun ära di) ada pat yavū niyāvaṭa
[line + 6] no-varadava pavatina tek apama vi-
[line + 7] -sin vat apamage vargga-paramparāvaṭa
[line + 8] ätuḷat yam-kisi tänakin⸗vat me kiya-
[line + 9] -na senāven keneku varadavā gatta se-
[line + 10] -nāven vicārā [o]vunṭavat me kiyana
[line + 11] Satara Koraḷe senāvaṭa arttha-hāni aṁ
[line + 12] -ga-hāni prāṇa-hāni no-karana no-kara-
[line + 13] -vanuva Daḷadā-tunuruvan des koṭa Śa-
[line + 14] -kra-Brahmādi deviyan des koṭa senā-
[line + 15] -vagen no-varadavana kenakuṭa apamage-
[line + 16] -n no-varadavana salasmata Senāsammata
[line + 17] Vikramabahu rajjuru-sāmīnge mehevari-
[line + 18] -n me śaila-lekkhyayak tubū bava-
[line + 19] -ṭa Vikramabāhu-Äpāṇa vamha.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
[line + 1] Yāpā Bha[n]ḍāra Doḍamvela Parāk-
[line + 2] -kramayā Varāva Bhanḍāra Gaṁpaḷa Bhanḍā-
[line + 3] -ra ätuḷu-vū äma denamha Satara Ko-
[line + 4] -raḷe sēnāva meme paṇate pavatumha-
[line + 5] -yi (ladun ära di) ada pat yavū niyāvaṭa
[line + 6] no-varadava pavatina tek apama vi-
[line + 7] -sin vat apamage vargga-paramparāvaṭa
[line + 8] ätuḷat yam-kisi tänakin⸗vat me kiya-
[line + 9] -na senāven keneku varadavā gatta se-
[line + 10] -nāven vicārā [o]vunṭavat me kiyana
[line + 11] Satara Koraḷe senāvaṭa arttha-hāni aṁ
[line + 12] -ga-hāni prāṇa-hāni no-karana no-kara-
[line + 13] -vanuva Daḷadā-tunuruvan des koṭa Śa-
[line + 14] -kra-Brahmādi deviyan des koṭa senā-
[line + 15] -vagen no-varadavana kenakuṭa apamage-
[line + 16] -n no-varadavana salasmata Senāsammata
[line + 17] Vikramabahu rajjuru-sāmīnge mehevari-
[line + 18] -n me śaila-lekkhyayak tubū bava-
[line + 19] -ṭa Vikramabāhu-Äpāṇa vamha.