The inscription is engraved on four sides of a quadrangular stone pillar, which was discovered by H. C. P. Bell in 1891 in the jungle close by the ruined dāgaba Kiribat-Vehera, about three and half miles to the north of Anurādhapura. This dāgaba is also called Menik Vehera or Gem dāgaba by local people. The inscription is written in Sinhalese alphabet from the 10th century A.D. Wickremasinghe assigns this record to a period immediately preceding Kassapa V’s reign. The inscription itself is dated in the fourteenth year of a king called Siri San̆go, an epithet often used by kings, but here probably referring to Kassapa IV, who arrived on the throne in 912 A.D. It was set up by a royal order in the presence of three officials, who are named as: Sabā-vaḍunnā Salayem, the bodyguard of the Pāṇḍyan king Dāpuḷa; (Ro)ṭu Pullayem; and Kiling Agbo. The inscription proclaims certain privileges or immunities attached to the dispensary at Bamuṇ-kumbara.

Inscription ID IN03053
Title Kiribat Vehera Pillar Inscription
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Parent Object OB03033
Related Inscriptions
Author Don Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe
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Language සිංහල
Reigning monarch probably Kassapa IV
Topic proclaims certain privileges or immunities attached to the dispensary at Bamuṇ-kumbara
Min 926
Max 926
Comment Basis for dating: intrinsic. The inscription is dated in the fourteenth year of a king called Siri San̆go, an epithet often used by kings but here probably referring to Kassapa IV, who arrived on the throne in 912 A.D.
Letter size 5.08
Description Letter size is from 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 cm). Sinhalese alphabet of the 10th century A.D.
Width 25.4
Height 152.4
Description Seventy-seven lines in total, inscribed on four sides of a quadrangular pillar (19 lines on the first side, 21 lines on the second, 20 lines on the third, 17 lines on the fourth). Each side of the pillar measures approximately 25.4 cm by 152.4 cm.
References Edited by Wickremasinghe in Epigraphia Zeylanica 1 (1904-12): 153-162, no. 11.
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