The hill-range of Riṭigala is located about twenty-five miles south-east of Anurādhapura and eighteen miles north-east of Dam̆bulla. The range has numerous caves, rocks, ruins and inscriptions. Wickremasinghe describes four groups of inscriptions at different locations in the mountain range:


[1] Āṇḍiyā-kanda (east spur) – 10 cave-inscriptions.

[2] Karam̆bǟ-hīnna (north-west spur) – 2 cave-inscriptions (of which only one is described by Wickremasinghe).

[3] Nā-ulpata, also called Nā-arambädda-hīnna (west and south-west spur) – 1 cave-inscription; 4 rock-inscriptions (of which only three are described by Wickremasinghe).

[4] Vēväl-tänna (lower eastern spur) – 1 cave-inscription; 1 rock-inscription.

Inscription ID IN03048
Title Riṭigala Nā-ulpata Rock Inscription 1
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Parent Object OB03031
Related Inscriptions
Author Don Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe
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Language Sinhalese Prakrit
Reigning monarch Lajaka Tisa
Topic record the deeds and donations of the king Lajaka Tisa
Min 150
Max 300
Comment Basis for dating: palaeography. Wickremasinghe identifies the king Lajaka Tisa named in the inscription as being Vaṅkanāsika (alias Devanapiya Tisa-maharaja).
Letter size 10.16
Description Estimated letter size between 5.08 and 10.16 cm.
Description Campus size not reported. Three lines inscribed on a boulder in the west/south-west spur of the Riṭigala mountain range.
References Edited by Wickremasinghe in Epigraphia Zeylanica 1 (1904-12): 135-153, no. 10.
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