The hill-range of Riṭigala is located about twenty-five miles south-east of Anurādhapura and eighteen miles north-east of Dam̆bulla. The range has numerous caves, rocks, ruins and inscriptions. Wickremasinghe describes four groups of inscriptions at different locations in the mountain range:


[1] Āṇḍiyā-kanda (east spur) – 10 cave-inscriptions.

[2] Karam̆bǟ-hīnna (north-west spur) – 2 cave-inscriptions (of which only one is described by Wickremasinghe).

[3] Nā-ulpata, also called Nā-arambädda-hīnna (west and south-west spur) – 1 cave-inscription; 4 rock-inscriptions (of which only three are described by Wickremasinghe).

[4] Vēväl-tänna (lower eastern spur) – 1 cave-inscription; 1 rock-inscription.

Epigraphia Zeylanica
Wickremasinghe, Don Martino de Zilva. (1904-12). ‘No. 10. Riṭigala Inscriptions,’ Epigraphia Zeylanica 1, p. 144.

The cave of Devanapiya Tisa Abaya, son of the great king Devanapiya Gaṃini Tisa, is given to the Buddhist priesthood from the four quarters, present and not present.

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