Vessagiri, or more commonly in Sinhalese Vessagiriya, is the traditional name of a forest-bound cluster of rocks in Anurādhapura. The site features three hummock-boulders of gneiss rock in a line from north to south (Rock A, Rock B and Rock C). The hummocks are surrounded by the ruins of a monastery, which had its cells in the caves of Rocks B and C (twenty-three caves in total). Some of the caves are inscribed with dedications to the Buddhist priesthood, plus there are a number of other rock inscriptions at the site, including the present record.

Inscription ID IN03021
Title Vessagiri Rock B Inscription 1
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Parent Object OB03010
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Author Don Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe
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Language සිංහල
Reigning monarch
Topic dedication of a monastic cell to the venerable Asalaya
Min 175
Max 200
Comment Basis for dating: paleography.
Letter size 7.6
Description According to Wickremasinghe, the letters are on average 3 inches (7.6 cm) by 4 inches (10.2 cm) in size and resemble those of the Maharatmale inscription.
Width 145
Description Two lines of worn writing inscribed on the left at the top of the rock-cut steps, west of Rock B Cave 4 at Vessagiri. The first line is 145 cm in length and the second 86 cm. Owing to the indistinctness of the seventh, eighth, eleventh and eighteenth akṣaras, only a tentative reading can be given.
References Edited by Wickremasinghe in Epigraphia Zeylanica 1 (1904-12): 21.
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