Inscription carved on a slab of stone found attached to a platform in Harigāon, Kathmandu. Part of the stone is eroded. Saṃvat 32.

LXXIV Amśuvarmā’s Harigaon (Kathmandu) Inscription II
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 46-47.

Greetings! From the palace of Kailāsakūṭa…favoured by the feet of Lord Paśupati, meditating upon the feet of his father, the … the great High Feudatory (Śrī mahāsāmanta) Aṁśuvarman in perfect health…to the family members of houses, fields and other properties, paying due regards issues this notice…First this to be known by you.

The collection of taxes on houses and fields, etc. during the month of Śrāvaṇa…Thus the distribution is regulated and it will henceforth be the practice for all to follow: To Paśupati 9 pu, 2 pa; to Dolāśikhara Svāmi (Cāṅgu Nārāyaṇa) 6 pu, 2 pa;…to Guṁvihāra 6 pu, 2 pa; to Śrī Mānavihāra 6 pu, 2 pa; to Śrī Rājavihāra 6 pu, 2 pa; to Kharjūrikā vihāra 6 pu, 2 pa; to Madhyama vihāra 6 pu, 2 pa; to vihāra in general (sāmānyavihārānāṁ) 3 pu, 1 pa; to Rāmeśvara 3 pu, 1 pa; to Haṁsagṛhadeva 3 pu, 1 pa; to Māneśvara 3 pu, 1 pa; to Sāmbapura 3 pu, 1 pa; to Vāgvatīpāradeva 3 pu, 1 pa; to Dhārāmāneśvara 3 pu, 1 pa; to Parvateśvaradeva 3 pu, 1 pa; to Narasiṁhadeva 3 pu, 1 pa; to Kailāseśvara 3 pu, 1 pa; to Bhumbhukkikā Jalaśayana 3 pu, 1 pa; to the other temples, 2 pu, 2 pa; to Śrī Bhaṭṭāraka pādānām (king’s feet) 9 pu, 2 pa; to Sapelāpāñcalī 6 pu, 2 pa; to Pāñcālis sāmānya 3 pu, 1 pa; to the official entrusted with the care of the properties of the royal palace 2 pu, 2 pa; to the Gauṣṭhikās (managements agencies) 2 pu, 2 pa; to him who was in charge of the donations 1 pu; to the Brāhmanas1 pu; to the staff in general pu…Such is the arrangement; and this distribution, nobody should disturb. This preserving to increase the welfare of his subjects, which goes to purify his heart Śrī Aṁśuvarmanbearing the title of Śrī Kalahābhimānī, who takes pride in quarrelling with the Goddess Śrī and ever thinking ‘how could my subjects be happy has drawn up this just arrangement.

Samvat 32 month of Āṣāḍha, clear fortnight, the 13th. (The identification and location of a great many of deities and vihāras mentioned here are not available.)

Other versions
Lévi, Sylvan. Le Népal, étude Historique d'un royaume Hindou. 1908. Paris: Ernest Leroux Éditeur; vol. 3. p. 96.