Inscription carved on a stone stele found standing in Chaur Nārāyaṇa in the Kathmandu area of Naksāl. The first lines are illegible and so is the date. The names of the ruler and the dūtaka are effaced but the inscription has been attributed to Jayadeva II.

CXLIII Naksal Narayanacaur (II)
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 96-99.

(Lines 1-9 not at all readable. Gnoli reads from the 10th and Levi from the 9th. Up to 17th line a few letters are visible, but no sense can be made out.)


Here they suitably to be considered. The eastern door keepers should be considered as it suits … 10 paṇapurāṇa… to be given to Śrī Eastern Office … or the acts in relation to the son, to the south of Śrī Western and Śrī Eastern Offices gone to south, of … that office … conduct … in the beginning the door keeper must act in accordance with the dictates of the scriptures … all offices are barred from entry and this includes the holders of the Bhaṭṭa office … whichever matters arising in respect of the boundaries and outside, the Pāñcālikā themselves are to decide according to the tenets of justice … in the western … to remove ignorance … For the offence concealing a wrong … in the act of swindling he should be fined 5 paṇapurāṇa. In case of a grant of property or assignment of cattle or money by sale deeds if the promises are broken 4 paṇapurāṇa will be the penalty. Attempt to influence will meet with a fine of 2 and ½ paṇapurāṇa. Even by signs if there is an attempt to vitiate evidence and if there seems to be any such indication even distantly the witnesses present will pay the penalty of 400 paṇas… if the written document proved a forgery (false), the fine would be 100 paṇas. On admission of guilt 2 paṇapurāṇas and 2 paṇa fine is imposed, … a fine of 25 paṇapurāṇas, 10 pai: paṇapurāṇain ayakṣikā (without the image of Yakṣa) coins is recommended and in the case of uttamakāya, on the lower and middle kāya (body) 6 paṇapurāṇas with additional 2 paṇas, l paṇa and 3 paṇapurāṇa respectively, a fine of 1 paṇa, 100 purāṇas and 50 purāṇas in addition to 25 paṇapurāṇa is prescribed for one who was judged guilty in a legal suit but escaped and 1/6 part of the balance of money gained as fine after its final judgment should go to the Pāñcālikā. If the money is not paid, the possessor living in this area or elsewhere will be subjected to confinement or seizure of person. At any rate if injustice is there then an appeal is to be made to Rogamācau door keeper and the latter will then submit to the king’s antarāsana (Śrīmatpadiya) office within a month for decision. If a pregnant woman dies, a payment of 100 paṇas as fine will be made. For suicide case the body should be presented for further order and deaths occurring in course of quarrels the family must obtain purification or ablution on appeal to the door keeper who for performance of his duty must be paid 6 paṇapurāṇas with two paṇas in addition. If wounded cattle are destroyed 3 purāṇas with 3 paṇa will be given to the concerned authority. For illustrating the Palace chariot, the Sindridoor keeper is to get 80 paṇapurāṇas. In respect of the work in pulling or drawing the chariot from its place of stand, and for renovation of the palace and all round adornment or general dressing, the Betradoor keeper will receive 80 paṇapurāṇas annually. To purchase 22 jars the door keeper will contribute 5 paṇapurāṇas. As for the tax on the best variety of cloth, 6 paṇapurāṇas and 2 paṇas are the contributions. During the celebration of Manḍipīa pair of cloth and 5 best ornaments have to be given. Every year Sthāna (ever present at the station) door keeper will be paid 1000 paṇapurāṇas by Pāñcālikā, Tāmrakuṭṭaśālā, Māneśvara, Hyasprṅ, Puṭhampriṅ, Jamayambi and Pumdatta—all these villages are to enjoy from now on the status of a draṅga, and this is the favour bestowed by us. This avowed wish of ours is inscribed on a stone plate with special favours granted to the saṅghas and others, which are included here. The officers of the various social bodies who have learnt the above written command or order realising their duties will not even harbor in mind a courage for mischief and make efforts to break this royal favour under pretext of fulfilling their assigned duties. If we come to know all this we will surely give them hard punishment. Future kings who have to maintain the favours bestowed on the people by the past kings, and who knew the importance of the gifts made to the joys of the people, shall not tolerate the persons responsible for acts designed to destroy the favours. Praises are heard about the maintenance thus: Those who have a clean character like the moon with cool rays, while they also protect their subjects well, and who without deceit protect the virtuous systems established by the past kings they will easily enjoy the splendours of the kingdom they conquered from the enemy kings overcoming hatred and will ever live in heaven like Indraenjoying respect and wealth. Now to draw its boundaries: From here in the northeast direction Ajikā vihāra‘s eastern gate to Dadhṛṅkānta ko, therefrom, facing south, and going along the Highway (mahāpatha) as far as the north of Maṇināgāṭṭikā and to its north, the large village (bṛhatgrāma) and then as far as that, and therefrom going towards the west, Balasokṣi temple (devakula), passing through this, reaching Boddadistrict (viṣaya), and then to the north of Araghaṭṭa, and from here along the route of Māśa, facing west, in Lamkhaulamuṭṭaṇa, there, and going through Aṭmaṭṭanakam and following the garden or Naḍapaṭṭikā, towards the west, the Mahāpratihara’s house, then to the south following the narrowest part, reaching the highway where the stone exists in the shape of a pillar, from here, from the beginning of the path (where the chariots drive), entering the door known as Yadurdvāra, then going across the halfway of the north of the eastern house, in front of the southern house, following westward, and entering the row of doorways of the cluster of houses (dvāragṛhamaṇḍala) proceeding to southern house, thereafter crossing over the western marshy ground, the line passes through the centre of the Yābi village and then going through Tabeceṣa, thereafter: towards the west to the path, and by that very path following northward along the Drumakuṭīway, thereafter turning round westward and going to the north of a place along the line near Poṇḍimaṇḍapikāand then to Udaṇehuśa, then getting down towards the west and along the road taking to Tāmrakuṭṭaśālā towards Jaṛkhusam, and then to Tāmrakuṭṭaśālālakhamaka, thereafter going towards the north, the āli of Maneśvara Palace courtyard, south of it and at the back of preṣaṇamandapi, going towards northeast, and entering through the eastern gate and across the middle of the Palace courtyard to the west gate, therefrom going to the north, just going in front of Pravarḍḍha Maneśvara, then following the western path as far as the water conduit built by Vottariṇa, then onwards … then to its southwards to half of the garden of Sāmbapur, therefrom … towards the west … and then to the south … following the western side to reach the south pillar, and then by the western gate … south of Jīvavarmā’s vihāra… the line passes through the garden’s southwest … west … following the canal … going along the northwest … in course of the path of Kamproyambi and to its north, then the parts of the field donated to the Lord … from the lands of the monastery alighting to western terrace, … going through the midst of the large river to Naṭividvā climbing down to the north—Dipeka … thereafter, the southern path … the way going to the village … therefrom according to the path west of Vingboce maṇḍapi, there is Yāku, from there … Svāmi kārtikeya … Kara Goṣṭhi, therefrom the land of Saptamī Goṣṭhi (of the 7th day) and to its east … the land of the monastery (the same) in western terrace … land of the Pāñcālikā, its land in the eastern terrace, following that Śrī Tukāṇa … in the east therefrom land of the Taitaṛya (Vedic) school, thereafter western terrace and in that order … going along the southern … then in the eastern direction Kankabattikhā going along … then the path . .. thereafter crossing the river, enter Vataṃkuṭī, and to its east (pūrva-) paṅkuṭi… , it is limited … in that way land of the Sāmanta … land of Goṣṭhi and the eastern canal …

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