Inscription carved on a stone stele found standing to the left of the Western gate of the Bhṛṅgāreśvara temple, in Sonāguṭhi, Pātan. Saṃvat 125.

IN02084 Sonaguthi Stone Inscription of Sivadeva II
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 83-84.

[Lines 1-4 are intact. Three more lines are damaged a little on the left margin. But lines 9 to 18 and 23 and 24 are intact again. But others except the last two are damaged, and letters are not readable here and there.]

Hail! From Śrīmat Kailāsakūṭa Palace. With an undisturbed reign and maintaining the rule of conduct of the four varas, the banner of the Licchavi family, graced by the feet of Lord Paśupati and meditating upon the feet of his father Pbh Md Śrī Śivadeva, enjoying health, issues this injunction to all the offices existing in Nepal and to all those earning livelihood at our feet, after due enquiries of their health declares: Be it known to you, aiming at the immeasurable storage of water, … to Pāñcālikā… advised by Kṣemajīva, we, who follow (to protect) acts of pious gifts as in line with religious rights…, for the use of Pāñcālikā, together with the Brāhmaṇas, following the practice of taking permission, for the usual arrangement required for the Pāñcālikāof Bhṛṅgāreśvaratemple also … the canal causing to flow … the temple Pāñcālikā… in time … Gola… village … water … water conduit and channel, … also … we are pleased to donate to Bhṛṅgāreśvara Pāñcālikā … land … will be considered also articles … must be considered … two paas and purāṇaspiṇḍakamānikā… should be fined 3 purāṇas. (The rest follows the usual pattern of the end portion of the previous inscriptions.) The date is Samvat 125 Bhādrapada śukla pacamyām, and the dūtaka (appointed agent) Rājaputra Jayadeva.

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