Inscription incised on a stone stele found lying in Gairi Dhārā, Pātan. Saṃvat 83.

CXXI Gairidhārā Inscription (Patan)
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 74.

Om! From Kailāsakūṭa Palace…graced by the feet of Lord Paśupati and meditating upon the feet of Pbh Md Śrī Narendraveda in all health…addresses this injunction to the  officers of all offices…present and past…after due enquiries of their health issues this charter: Please know, as advised by Mahāpratihāra Candravarman, and accepting his advice…in the area of Paśupati, and on the eastern bank of Vāgvatī, within the site of Lord Vajreśvara…we have prohibited the entry of all the offices…here with our knowledge for the own increase of our prosperity we handed over for protection the said grant to religious body (dhārmikagaa), creating such a body. The trustees engaged in acquiring knowledge, and doing actions, living life with disciplined conduct must perform kāraapūjā of the god in Maṇḍali of Vajreśvara with bath, perfume, flowers, burning incense, lighting the lamps, playing musical instruments of the rainy season, muttering of prayers, after having done all such cleansing action as smearing with cow-dung, oblation and repairs, if a residue remains, with that left money submitting in honour of the blessed Vajreśvara, food is to be served, as far as means allow, to the Pāśupata ascetics and Brāhmaṇas; and in case per chance time changing something happens and on the strength of their being benefactors, people ask for something knowing the reality of the time of distress, then, after ascertaining the fact, 24 manikas of grain may be given to benefactors; more than this is not to be taken by the benefactors. If when a law suit arises as to these points, the Supreme Court (paramāsana) should consider it; but the money must not be taken away. With this understanding neither the fully authorised officer nor any other parties whatsoever should not convert this boon, and anyone doing such things will not be tolerated. The future kings will also not do otherwise in the spirit that this was the blessing of the past kings, and they were used to respect their wishes by protecting the endowment. Our appointed agent or dūtaka in this matter is the heir apparent (yuvarāja) Skandadeva. Samvat 83 Bhādrapada bright half divā 8.

Other versions
Bühler, Johann Georg, and Bhagavānlāla Indrāji. 1885. Twenty-three Inscriptions from Nepâl: collected at the expense of H.H. the Navâb of Junâgadh; edited under the patronage of the Government of Bombay. Bombay: Printed at the Education Society's Press; pp. 78-79.