Inscription carved on a stone stele found inside the water-conduit of Yengā Hiṭi, Lagan tole, Kathmandu. Saṃvat 67.

CXVII Yangahiti Inscription of Narendradeva
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 70-71.

Hail! From Kailāsakūṭa Palace! Brightened by the mass of autumn lunar light, clear and spotless, as if the Himalayan heights were cleansed by the garland of his fame, spread all over the endless firmament, and also by his polity, the courage, by his entire qualities, his own person and by his power acquired by his arms, wisdom and sense of retention of the knowledge of the sacred text (āgama), limits of morality and propriety by establishing an orderly society, all direction by fame, the Licchavi royal family by his birth, the earth by the dignity of his rule he decorates them all and ingratiated by Lord Paśupati’s feet and meditating upon the feet of his father, Bh Md…Śrī Narendraveda, enjoying health pays respects to the future kings of Nepal and directs: Please know this, the kings in the past created an endowment of the draga of Dakṣiṇakoli village, along with the villages in Sarvatala in honour of the temples of Māneśvara and Bhuvaneśvara for their maintenance as agrahāra but by some reason, this was withdrawn by Śrī Bhumagupta and annexed to the royal lands, now with a mind to respect the past arrangement, and for the welfare of our subjects, we have restored the original temple of Bhuvaneśvara in the Daksiṇakoli village along with Sarvatala as well as the land, garden and houses attached to the same, which had been as its part and was in its possession, and the three, whose boundaries were fixed, Koṅko, Vilvamārga, and Husprinradruṅ villages as they were constituted as agrahāras are freed from the entry of the cāṭasand bhaas and are made to enjoy the dignity and status of Sarvakoṭṭa. Knowing this, the inhabitants of the three agrahāras should continue to pay the share of crops and other taxes, as desired, and they should pay regularly to the maintenance of Śivakula temple in Śītāṭi, share of the produce of lands and other taxes and knowing that this draga with Sarvatala villages has been exempted from payment, you should not feel humbled. You will also promote mutually existing love, and tied together by affection…by men protecting the two including the tala ever…ever…(The rest follows exactly the passage at the end of the preceding record.) The dūtaka is Kumārāmātya and the date is Samvat 67 Bhādrapada śukla 2.

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