Inscription carved on a stone stele that stood in front of the Western gate of the Bṛṅgāreśvara Temple, in the village of Sonāguṭhī, south of Pātan. The stele is now inside the gates of the temple. Saṃvat 65.

CIX Bhṛṅgāreśvara Temple Inscription
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 66-67.

May Lord Viṣṇu lying on the respected bed of a serpent in the midst of waters, who is beyond the knowledge of men, gods and demons as well as of those possessing considerable influence, merits and knowledge of sacred texts, grant you divine happiness forever!

Hail! From Mānagṛha, the king Bhaṭṭāraka mahārāja Śrī Bhīmārjunadeva, the banner of the Licchavi family, whose riches have increased and are clean, and who is mature, dexterous, such as he is reigning, and together with him, from Kailāsakūṭa Palace, he rules, and he, his legs touched, ingratiated by Lord Paśupati’s feet and meditating upon the feet of his father, such is Śrī Viṣṇugupta, enjoying health, pays regards to the future kings of Nepal… and declares: Know this, bowed by the divinities and demons…with high favours based on merits, we have granted gladly to the Pāñcālikā of Bhṛṅgara village…who employed by us to pull a stone fit for the sculpture of a wonderful image of Viṣṇu sleeping in waters, had done such a work, which pleased us. I have granted a privilege being pleased, by which you are released from rendering forced labour called Kaṣaṣṭhi (regarding water) … will not enter your village, also contributions to Māpcoka (the 12thline is damaged, and no definite meaning emerges with the few broken words therein)… thinking that this can be accepted, the office… leaving this, other matters are not to be touched, in case where one is condemned of theft, enticement of another’s wife, murder and treason, crimes unthinkable, they should confiscate his share of the house, field, cattle…anything attached to the Pāñcālī or falling within the jurisdiction of the Pāñcālī…such as cattle, land and house by one’s own things… but not the shares of the other members of his family. This regulation was made by us. No relations of the guilty should be deprived of their share. We have done this favour (the rest follows the usual statements at the end). The date is Samvat 65 Phālguna śukla 2, and our appointed agent, (dūtaka) is Śrī yuvarāja Śrī Dharagupta.

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