Inscription carved on a slab of stone standing near an image of Mṛtyuñjaya, in Gucca Tole, Otu, Kathmandu. The top of the stone is damaged.

LXXVIII Otutol (Kathmandu) Inscription
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 49-50.

Hail! From Kailāsakūṭa Palace, this charter is issued by Mahāsāmanta Śrī Mahasāmānta Aṁśuvarman, meditating upon the feet of Lord Paśupati and favoured by the grace of his father, he enjoying all health…enquiring of the welfare of Pāñcālikās and the chiefs…satisfied with your work of the canal we exempt you…inhabitants…from the taxes on fish, young animals (deer), and pigs…for five crimes…earthen pots for sale to be treated likewise. (The rest follows the usual pattern with similar words warning king’s servants not to interfere with the royal gift and asking the kings coming in future for preservation etc.) The date is Samvat 36 Āṣāḍha śukla 5. The appointed agent or witness (dūtaka) is prince [Udayadeva]. This is his own order (svāyamājñā).

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