Inscription incised on a slab of stone found in the water conduit known as Bansāhiṭi or Gairidārā in north east Kathmandu. The date is illegible.

LXXIX Gairidhara (Kathmandu) Inscription
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 50.

Om hail! From Kailāsakūṭa Palace, he who does not bow his head before other kings and is endowed with mind which has resolved to carry on the arrangement directed for others’ good, graced by the feet of Lord Paśupati and meditating upon the feet of his divine father Śrī Mahāsāmanta Aṁśuvarman, enquiring of the welfare of the households inhabiting Joñjodiṅ village as led by the elders issues this order: Let you know, we are pleased with your work in connection with the canal at Nīlīśālā, and we have done you a favour by banning the entry of Liṅgagval, horses carrying loads, uncastrated bulls (set at liberty), carts drawn by horses and oxen. (The rest is as in the preceding records) viz. the warning against interference by royal employees and others and instructions to future kings to help to preserve the pious act.) The date is…aṣṭamyāmand the dūtaka Yuvarāja Udayadeva.

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