Inscription carved on a slab of stone standing in the village of Banepā. The part of the inscription containing the year is damaged and illegible.

Banepa Stele [LVIII vol. 2 - LV vol. 1 (wrong correspondence)]
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 34-35.

Hail! From Mānagṛha…admired because of glory…meditating upon the feet of his father, banner of the Licchavi dynasty Bhaṭṭāraka mahārāja Śrī Śivadeva enjoying health…enquiring of the welfare of the families of the village. Let it be known to you that advised by mahārājādhirāja Śrī Mahāsāmanta Aṁśuvarman, commanding various knowledge and learning, for all times…with special discourse who had spread his multiple fame to all directions, bowed by the entire group of feudatories and together with him and with his consent, desirous of relieving distress…Dolāśikhara Svāmi’s (Cangu Nārāyana)…this village has been endowed with the dignity of a Koṭṭa, and therefore the entry of cāṭa and bhaṭa is prohibited…the boundary is thus fixed: north of it following the path…then the temple, from there going south east reach the large funeral ground…to the east, the source of Tekhundul, then the avenue of Gotā field…in the south Dhelanti river…going to the west Candreśvara…village…then to its north Dakṣiṇeśvara, and then again to the foothill, further east the channel of water, the boundary lines are thus drawn and for a long time to come I executed in your favour a stone plate injunction to this effect. Further, all our servants obtaining their livelihood at our feet are asked not to give you even the slightest trouble…Nobody should disobey or cause to be disobeyed this order. Future kings should realise that the pious gift…was made by those belonging to the Licchavi dynasty in due course, and therefore they should regard it as a grant made by religious teachers, and protect the same. (The name of the witness is lost but Gomī is visible.) The date SamvatŚrāvaṇa māsa

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