Inscription carved on a slab of stone standing near the temple of Vajra Vārāhi in the village of Chāpāgāon south of Pātan on the way to Lele. The top of the stone is broken and lost. Part of the date is missing and some lines of the inscription are illegible.

L Inscription of Chapagaon
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 29.

Hail! From Mānagṛha, with unbounded fame and ever meditating upon the feet of his father, the banner of Licchavi dynasty, Bhaṭṭāraka mahārāja Śrī Śivadeva enjoying health…inhabitants of…the households along with their chiefs, orders after due enquiries of the welfare. Let it be known to you here in Stharu draṅga…returning after the sale of fish one pu(rāṇa)…by reducing the excise duty, for a load of Kāṣṭhika fish…3 paṇa on a load of the bhukkuṇḍikā fish, 10 bhukkuṇḍikā and 3 paṇas for a load of rājagrīvā fish and for 10 fish of that variety 3 paṇas and the same for another kind of fish (…atsyabhāraka)…3 paṇas for a load of mukta fish…50 white chalk for this item…widespread fame…in regard to this act of pleasure…previous kings had blessed you and we have  reaffirmed  our desire to continue, and to make it a long time grant, I have executed the order on a stone (Śilāpaṭṭaka)…the future kings should think that the grant coming as it does from meritorious teachers, and themselves used to maintain such royal actions should help in preserving them…the witness here…Vaiśākha śukla 5.

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