Inscription carved on a slab of stone situated in a place called Khopāsi, which lies outside the valley about 6 1/2 km to the south-east of Bhādgāon. Saṃvat 520.

LXIII Inscription of Khopasi
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 38-39.

(The translation is that of Levi but I have made improvements in the light of corrections made for words and expressions which he had misread.)

Greetings from Mānagṛha. His numberless virtues, he gives happiness to the Licchavi race; the sovereign, the king Śrī Śivadeva, in good health to the householders inhabiting the village of Kurpasī as led by their elders offers good wishes and issues this order.

Know this: Advised by Mahāsāmanta Aṁśuvarman whose virtues like precious stones illuminate the night (darkness) of ignorance, who is always ready to prostate at the lotus like feet of Lord Bhava, because of this means he proceeds continuously causing good and thereby earns reputation, whose powerful arms have uprooted all the classes of enemies, and on his request authorized by me, he has granted you the favour, which forbids the entry into your village of all the departments of state. For anything that will come up for consideration you will abide by the decision of the headman (svatalasvāmi). And for all affairs you will have one gate alone. And at the time of the opening of the gate and of the procession of the Kailāsa…you will have to give each fifty pieces of white chalk.

And for the long preservation of this favour the privilege has been engraved on a stone slab.

And now you know all about this favour. Therefore anyone, those earning bread at our feet or others, will not do otherwise to this favour. I shall not tolerate any such person who will destroy this favour or cause it to be destroyed, because they break rules of propriety. Kings coming in future must take care of this gift in the light of great act of merit done by teachers of moral laws and duties.

The delegate is here Deśavarman Gomin. The date is Samvat 520, month of Caitra, dark fortnight, fifth day. This is the general notice or information (samājñāpanā).

Other versions
Lévi, Sylvan. Le Népal, étude Historique d’un royaume Hindou. 1908. Paris: Ernest Leroux Éditeur; vol. 3. pp. 80-81.