Inscription carved on a slab of stone found near a small temple in Dharampur. Saṃvat 520.

LXII Inscription of Dharampur
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 37-38.

(The few lines in the beginning are totally eroded. But the charter was definitely issued from Mānagṛha by Śivadeva as advised by Aṁśuvarman. The name of the village is missing, but other expressions after ‘you know it will’ are intact. The charter prohibits the entry of cāṭand bhainto the village which has attained all the dignities of Koṭṭa. From lines 8 to 13 nothing can be made out. Levi read from 14 onwards. Gnoli read also from the 14th. The translation of the 9 lines from 14-22 is as follows; To them malla kara(duty or a tax on a kind of fish or deer)…the tax involving more than 4 copper paashould not be taken…The king has made 2 gifts, and knowing this no one should do anything, which is not supported by proof. The injunction is to be strictly observed by future kings. This is our (samāāpanā). The dūtaka is Vārta Bhogacandra and the date Samvat 520 Māghaśukladvādaśyām, 12thday of the bright fortnight.

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