Inscription carved on a slab of stone found in the village of Śatungal, near BalambūThānkot. Saṃvat 519.

LX Inscription of Satungal
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 36-37.

Om hail! From Mānagṛha brightened by the many merits, meditating upon the feet of his father, the banner of the Licchavi dynasty, Bhaṭṭāraka mahārāja(Śrī),Śivadeva, enjoying all health after due enquiries of the welfare of the households of the village of Kāduṅa addresses with the following injunction: As advised by Mahāsāmanta Aṁśuvarman who looks like the moon in the autumn clouds and whose strength of victory has enhanced due to his quelling the many enemies and to give weight to him and expressing mercy to you I have executed the Śilāpaṭṭaka order and conferred on you this favour. For the inhabitants of your village, going from here to collect wood, grass and leaves, everywhere in the forest and then after collecting them while they go silently, the inhabitants of Pheraṅkoṭṭa and others will not in any way deprive them of their sickle, dagger, hoe, spade, and wood and shall not detain them. If anybody knowing this transgresses this order, he will be punished according to the rules applied to breakers of the king’s law. This is our command (nṛpāā). The witness is here Vārtaputra Guṇacandra, and the date is 519 Prathama Pauaśukla12 [the 12thday of the first fortnight of the first month (intercalated) of Paua].

[In the last portion of every charter the future kings are also requested to preserve the gift as it came from their respected predecessors. No inscription is an exception. So we find it unnecessary to put such expressions in translation.]

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