Inscription on a slab of stone found in Dharamsthali, Kathmandu. Gnoli reads the date as 518 but Vajrācārya and Regmi read it as 517.

LVII Dharamsthali Stele - (in vol. 1 LVIII Dharamsthali Inscription)
Regmi, D. R. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Abhinav Publ, 1983: 33.

This inscription is of 15 lines but contains matter as it is in the above inscriptions.

Hail! From Mānagṛha possessed of great, clean fame, full of unequalled qualities, the banner ofLicchavi dynasty Bhaṭṭāraka mahārāja Śrī Śivadeva enjoying health addresses (samājñāpayati) …village households led by their chiefs living in the village of…issues this charter after due enquiries about their health. Let it be known to you that as advised by Aṁśuvarman whose feet have been brightened by the gems on the bowed heads of different feudatories and whose bravery earned through the services of the people has spread far and wide and by his glory I have with a view to show our grace to you ordered the authorities of Kūthera department (Kūtheravrityādhikritān) not to enter your area except for the realization of 3 taxes but not for (pañcāparādha) five crimes, and documented gifts and sale deeds. (The remaining part of the inscription is the same as above [LVI Golmadhitol (Bhadgaon)]1.) The dūtaka is Vipravarman Gomin. The date is Samvat 517 prathamāṣāḍha śukla 12 (intercalary Āṣāḍha).

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