Halsi Grant of Harivarman, Year 4.
G. S. Gai, Inscriptions of the early Kadambas (New Delhi: Indian Council ofHistorical Research & Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi, 1996), 122.
Records the grant of the village of Vasuntavāṭaka, situated in the district of Suddikundūra to a Jain sect of Vāriṣeṇācārya of the Kūrcakas by the Kadamba king Harivarman, in the fourth year of his reign, on the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of the month Phālguna, for providing annually at the great eight-days festival and the remaining portion, for feeding the Sarvasaṅgha in the temple of Arhat. It is stated that the temple of Arhat was caused to be built at Palāśikā by Mṛgeśa, the son of the General Siṃha of the Bhāradvāja gotra . The grant is stated to have been made when the king was camping at Uccaśṛṅgī, on the advice of his uncle Śivaratha.