This plate, the fourth of a five plate charter, was discovered whilst digging for manganese in the Mānsar area. It is not know where the donated areas are or where the plate was issued.

Inscription ID IN00173
Title Mansar Charter Fragment of a Vakataka Ruler
Alternative titles Mansar Plate of Pravarasena II; Ramtek Plate of Pravarasena II
Parent Object OB00160
Related Inscriptions
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 400
Max 499
Comment Basis of dating: palaeography, conjecture. Mirashi 1937b: 22 and Mirashi 1963: 74 assumes on the basis of palaeographic similarity that the plate was issued by Pravarasena II, but Shastri 1997: 37 cautions against taking this for granted.
Letter size 0.8
Description southern box-headed
Width 18.5
Height 10.5
Description Inscribed on both sides, with 5 lines per page. Probably in fairly good condition except for some corrosion damage. Campus and character size are estimates based on estimated plate size.
Decoration None.
References First reported with translation in Hira Lal 1916: 4-5. Studied in detail, without edition, in Mirashi 1937b. Edited in Mirashi 1963. Discussed in Shastri 1997: 36-37.
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