The inscription records the donation of four hundred nivartanas by royal measure in the village of Velusuka and was issued in the 25th year of Pravarasena II reign although the grant was made in the 20th year. The donation was made to Brāhmaṇa Rudrarya.

Mirashi, Vasudev Vishnu. Inscriptions of the Vakāṭakas. Ootacamund: Government Epigraphist for India, 1963.

Success! Seen From the camp on the river Hiraṇyâ

By the order of the illustrious Pravarasêna (II), the Mahârâja of the Vâkâakas and a devout worshipper of Maheśvara, who, by the grace of Śambhu, has established the Kita-yuga (Golden Age) (on the earth), who was born of Prabhâvatîguptâ, the daughter of the Mahârâjâdhirâja, the illustrious Dêvagupta, (and) who is the son of the illustrious Rudrasêna (II), the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas

(For translation of lines 1-14, see above, pp 13-14)

(There is) a village named Vêlusuka in the âhâra of Supratishha, which lies to the east of Gridhragrâma, to the south of Kadambasaraka, to the west of Nîlîgrâma and to the north of Kôkilâra. From this (village) four hundred nivartanas(in figures) 400―of land by the royal measure have been donated to Rudrârya of the Vâji-Lohitya gôtra, who resides at Êkârjunaka and who has recited (the Vedic mantras) on the occasion of the Equinox (Vishuva).

(For translation of lines 22-37, see above, pp 14-15 and p. 32)

The (following) two verses sung by Vyâsa should be regarded as authoritative on this point―

(Here follow two benedictive and imprecatory verses)

(Line 41). (This charter has been) written by Mâradâsa, while Bâppadêva is the Sênâpati, on the tenth (lunar day) of the bright (fortnight) or Jyêshha in the twenty-fifth (regnal) year. May there be happiness!

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