The charter records the donation of the village of Viśākhārya-vāṭaka located to the north of Āramāka, to Viśākhārya’s son Goṇḍārya and his sons Manorathārya, Govārya, Devārya, Bāppārya, Kumārārya and Droṇārya who lived in the village of Āramāka. The donation was granted by Pravarasena II and the Merchant Chandra in the 23rd year of Pravarasena II reign. According the Shastri the charter is interesting for a number of reasons – first there are numerous mistakes in the engraving and secondly because it appears that the charter is merely formalising an earlier grant, perhaps to Viśākhārya and confirming the donation to his son and grandsons.

Mirashi, Vasudev Vishnu. Inscriptions of the Vakāṭakas. Ootacamund: Government Epigraphist for India, 1963.

(The first plate of this grant is not forthcoming)

By the order of the illustrious Pravarasêna (II), the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas born of Prabhâvatîguptâ, the daughter of the Mahârâjâdhirâja, the illustrious Dêvagupta,-who is the son of the illustrious Rudrasêna (II), the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas—

(For translation of lines 1 to 6, see above, pp 13-14)

(Line 8) In the territorial division (mârga) of Gêpuraka Our officials of noble birth, who are employed by the order of the Sarvâdhyaksha (General Superintendent) and who exercise their authority by (Our) command and (Our) soldiers and policemen should be directed by the (following) command which is already well known to them—

“Be it known to you that here in Our victorious place of religious worship in order to increase Our religious merit, life, power (and) prosperity (and) for (Our) well-being in this world and the next, We have recorded in a charter this gift as it was previously made—viz (the gift of) the village situated to the north of Ârâmaka, to the east of Kôvidârikâ, to the south of śambaka, (and) to the west of Añjanavâaka, (made) to Gôndârya, son of Viśâkhârya of the Vâji-Kauśika gôtra, who resides at Ârâmaka (and to) Manôrthârya, son of Gondârya, (and) Gôvârya, Dêvârya, Bâppârya, Kumârârya (and) Drônârya, and We have given it as a gift not previously made with the pouring out of water Half of this village was donated to the Brâhmanas by the Merchant Chandranear the foot-prints of the Bhagavat, after having purchased it (from Us)

And We grant here the (following) exemptions incident to a village donated to a Brâhmana, proficient in the four Vêdas:—

(For the translation of lines 21-28, see above, p 14.)

(Line 29) We command the present rulers who have been vanquished by Our resolve, attack and valour and We request the future lords out of reverence for them

The (following) verse sung by Vyâsa should be regarded as authoritative on this point

(Here occurs an imprecatory verse)

(Line 33). (This charter) has been written on the fifth (lunar day) in the dark (fortnight) of Vaiśâkha in the twenty-third (regnal) year The order (was communicated) by (the king) himself. (The charter has been) written by the Rajuka Kôtadêva.

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