Mirashi, Vasudev Vishnu. Inscriptions of the Vakāṭakas. Ootacamund: Government Epigraphist for India, 1963.


(Line 12) By the order of the illustrious Pravarasêna (II), the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas,

(For translation of lines 7 to 12, see above, pp 13-14)

The two villages (viz) the village named Dîrghadraha in the Pâkkaṇa râshtra and the village Mahallama-lâta in the Asi bhukti in the mârga of Śailapura, have been donated (by Us) to Sûryasvâmin of the Kâśyapa gôtra and the Taittirîya śâkhâ, who resides in the Pravarêśvara-shadvimśati-vâtaka.

(For translation of lines 15 to 25, see above, p 14)

(Line 26) And the following two verses sung by Vyâsa should be regarded as an authority on this point

(Here follow two benedictive and imprecatory verses)

(Line 29) (This charter) was written by [Mani], Chitravarman being the Sênâpati, on the thirteenth10 (and) 3(lunar day) in the bright fortnight of Kârttika in the eleventh10 (and)I―(regnal) year.

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