Bibliographic information

First noticed (translation only) in Wilkins 1799: 167-168. Published (with transcript and translation by Kamalākānta Vidyālankār, and an eye copy [Plate 36, Nos. 15, 16 and 17, next to p. 677]) in Prinsep 1837a: 674-676. Independently transliterated in Indraji 1884: 428n55. Re-edited in Fleet 1888. See also Kuraishi 1931: 37-38 (g). The cave is described in ASIR 01: 46-47 (and plates 18-20).

Inscription Concordance

Wilkins (1799) 167-168

Prinsep (1837a) 674-676

ASIR 01 (1871) 46-47

Indraji (1884) 428n55

Fleet (1888) 221-223, no. 48

Bhandarkar (1929) 222, no. 1603

Kuraishi (1931) 37-38 (g)

Thaplyal (1985) I.A.1