Inscription ID IN00137
Title Badva Yupa Inscription of Balasimha
Alternative titles
Parent Object OB00124
Related Inscriptions IN00135 IN00136
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 238
Max 239
Comment Intrinsic Date: 295 phālguna śukla 5 (era: Kṛta). Basis of dating: intrinsic.
Letter size ~5
Description northern class of the 3rd century, slightly larger and in a different ductus than the characters of IN00135 and IN00136
Width 140
Height 30
Description Inscribed in two vertical lines, to be read from top to bottom, on two facets of the pillar. It is not clear from Altekar's description whether the two lines are aligned; he seems to imply that the inscription begins on one facet and continues on another owing to a defect in the stone on the first facet. Campus dimensions approximate.
Decoration None.
References First reported and edited in Altekar 1935-36.
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IN00135 and IN00136 from the same spot, date and with the same purpose, with almost identical content.