Ryosuke Furui, "The Kotalipada Copperplate Inscription of the Time of Dvādaśāditya, Year 14," Pratna Samiksha 4 (2013): 89-98.

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Of the office of Vârakamaṇḍala-viṣaya

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Main text

Year 14, month Vaiśâkha, day 17. Welfare! In the reign of mahârâjâdhirâja illustrious Dvâdaśâdityabhaṭṭâraka, who had no match on this earth and was equal to Yayâti and Ambarîṣa, at the time when illustrious mahâsâmanta vindâpati Haradatta, who acquired the authority by his (=Dvâdaśâditya’s) favour and whose feet were washed by water of the eastern sea, was in position (11. 1-3).

In Vâraka-maṇala, his (Haradatta’s) appointed official (viniyuktaka) râjânaka Kasâma and the people (prakti) beginning with viayamahattara Dhticandra, viayamahattara Ghoacandra,mahattara Jinacandra, mahattara Guhayaśas, mahattara Thoḍḍa, mahattara Mitrasvâmin, mahattaraBhâśubha, mahattara Śilacandra, mahattara Śubhasvâmin, mahattara Phâlgurudra, mahattara Amta,mahattara Kula, mahattara Guhacandra, mahattara Goṇa, mahattara Śarvanandin, mahattara Keṇa,mahattara Bhâpaśu, mahattara Prabhasvâmin, mahattaras Mahendra and Citracandra, mahattaraBhânayana, Vappabhaa, Sâryaka, imvâra and Śarvadâsa, phalka Umacandra, Śivadeva, Bhatkarṇa,Śubhadeva, Jayadatta, Śîlacandra, Śubhadeva, Dudhrâsara, phalka Śarvâkâla, Gauacandra, Naradeva, ungâkadeva and Kakubhacandra at the adhikaraṇa, were informed by râjânaka Viviktasoma (as follows) (11. 311): “After purchasing a land plot from you, I wish to give (it) to the deities,brâhmaṇas and teachers. So you are requested to give (it to me) after receiving money from me and dividing it in the viaya (11. 11-12).”

Then having made this request a subject matter, it was ascertained by us with the confirmation made by record keeper (pustapâla) Jayatsena (as follows): “Here in this viaya there is the custom practiced in the east. (According to it) lands yielding tax are sold by four dînâras for one kulyavâpa. Such vâpasof (i.e. size of) land plots are sold by akayanîvî-dharma of continuance with only observation without calculation made. And also there is the acquisition of the one sixth part of merit in this case for his majesty the supreme lord (paramabhaṭṭâraka). So after studying this practice, it should be sold to this good person who made erection of own merit and fame his wish, according to his intention and desire (11. 13-17).”

Considering as such, after procuring eight dînâras from râjânaka Viviktasoma, in Pasadhanakagdhanga, after kuumbins including pradhâna and so on belonging to Âlnagarttâ divided (it) by manifested procedure in the land of village with eight by nine nala by Śivacandra’s cubit, a part (of land) with four borders fixed was then sold by us by the rule of copperplate, to be enjoyed for the period prolonged as long as the moon, stars, the sun and the earth exist (11. 17-20). It was given with libations of water by this râjânka Viviktasoma, wishing favour in other world, for the increase of merit of mother, father and self, to the noble brâhmaṇas beginning with brâhmaṇas of various gotras, schools, asceticism, Veda, Vedânga and so on, (namely) Vânaśarmasvâmin, Nârâyaṇasvâmin, (to whom) a quarter part of Deyaka (is assigned), Himasvâmin, (to whom) a quarter part of Deyaka (is assigned), Arkasvâmin, Śuklasvâmin, (to whom) a half quarter part of Kandrikâ (is assigned), Kulasvâmin and Jivasvâmin, (to whom) a half quarter part of Candrikâ (is assigned), Nicitasvâmin, Rakitasvâmin, Mâghasvâmin, Agnisvâmin, Umilasvâmin, Keśavasvâmin and Puṣṭisvâmin (11. 20-24). So this land donation should be excessively protected by above-written and future sâmantas and kings who fully understand dharma of śâstra, in agreement on preservation and dismissal of land donation, knowing exactly that the donations completely given should also be protected by other kings (11. 25-27). There are also the verses sung by the supreme seer (ṛṣi). They are heard (as follows) (1. 27):

“(No matter it was) given by himself or given by others, the one who appropiates the land, he, after being born, a worm in excreta, will be boiled with his ancestors (Verse 1, 1.28).”

For sixty thousand years, the land giver enjoys in the heaven. The one who refuses it and another agreeing with him would live in the hell for the same period (Verse 2, 1. 29),”

Protect with effort what was previously given to brâhmaṇas, oh, Yudhiṣṭhira! Oh, the best of landholders! The preservation of land is superior to its donation (Verse 3, 11. 29-30).”

This given by hundred kings should also be given again and again. To whom the land belongs, the merit belongs (Verse 4, 11. 30-31).”

Living in dried caves in the waterless Vindhyan forests, those who stole land donation will be born black snakes (Verse 5, 11. 31-32).”

Then the border marks are: to the east, the border of Vaṇakhâaka-grâma (11. 32-33); to the south, the border of Ghâ-ghaṭṭa; to the west, the border entering the eastern embankment of the dried lake (1. 33); and to the north, the border of Sragdhâkaśoi. 4 (11. 33-34).

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