Inscription ID IN00132
Title Mallasarul Charter of Vijayasena
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Parent Object OB00119
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Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 500
Max 599
Comment Intrinsic Date: 3 śrāvaṇa 27 (era: regnal, Gopacandra). Basis of dating: palaeography, conjecture. See Majumdar 1935-36b: 158 for a discussion of the date.
Letter size 0.6
Description late version of north-eastern Gupta characters
Width 26
Height 15
Description Inscribed on both sides, 15 lines on the recto and 10 on the verso. The execution is poorer on the verso, where the surface of the metal is uneven. The upper and lower left corners are broken off, and the upper left is cracked as well. Campus size and character height estimated.
Decoration None.
References First reported and edited in Majumdar 1935-36b. (Majumdar published a preliminary account shortly before this in the Vaṅgīya Sāhitya Pariṣat Patrikā, no detailed reference available.) Discussed in Chhabra 1953-54 and Chhabra 1956.
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