Inscription ID IN00110
Title Kosam Image Inscription of Bhimavarman
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Parent Object OB00101
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Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 457
Max 459
Comment Intrinsic Date: 139 (era: Gupta?). The era may be Kalacuri (Bhandarkar), in which case the inscription would date from 386-388 CE. The date gives the year as 139 and the day as 7. The inscription is damaged between these two; possibly the day is in the second month of a lost season.
Letter size 1.4
Description northern class
Width 27
Height 10
Description The inscription is on the pedestal, which is broken. The middle of the first two lines is preserved along with traces of a third; line beginnings and ends are lost, probably along with additional lines at the bottom.
Decoration None.
References First noticed in ASIR 10: 3 with transcript and eye copy (Plate 2 No. 3). First edited in Fleet 1888.
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