Inscription ID IN00106
Title Gardez Inscription of Khingala
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Parent Object OB00097
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Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch
Min 550
Max 799
Comment Intrinsic Date: 8 jyeṣṭha śukla 13 (era: regnal, Khiṅgāla?). nakṣatra: viśākha; lagna: siṃha. Basis of dating: palaeography, art history, conjecture. See Kuwayama 2002: 253 and infra for details.
Letter size
Description According to Sircar, siddhamātṛkā, probably of 6th to 7th century, noting the tripartite "ya". According to Nakatani (Kuwayama), close to Sander's Gilgit-Bamiyan Type II.
Width 34
Height 3
Description Two lines inscribed on the base of the statue.
Decoration None.
References An unpublished report of the Archaeological Delegation of the Government of India to Afghanistan, by T. N. Ramachandran and Y. D. Sharma, was circulated in 1956, containing transcription, translation and a photograph of the image on Plate 2A. The text was first published in Tucci 1958: 328n29, along with a detailed description of the image and a photo on page 323. The inscription was re-edited in Sircar 1963a: 44-47. Discussed and re-edited with rubbing in Kuwayama 1991 (English version: Kuwayama 2002: 249-259; the Sanskrit reading is by Hideaki Nakatani). Kuwayama 1976 (re-published as Kuwayama 2002: 222-248) includes a description of the object and a detailed overview of approaches to its dating. The oṭyāta thing is discussed with references in Hinüber 2004: 110.
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